A hush descended over Our Lady of Victories Primary School, at Guard House, Keighley.

Children in years one and two took part in a two-hour sponsored silence to raise money for a cancer charity after one of their former peers was diagnosed with the disease. Stephanie Sutcliffe, who attended Our Lady of Victories three years ago, has recently been diagnosed with bone cancer and head teacher John Devlin said this inspired his pupils to help those suffering with the illness.

Mr Devlin said: "We have decided to support cancer charities at Our Lady of Victories because a number of children at the school have been affected by cancer.

"Their parents and grandparents have suffered with it and the children have also been very affected by Stephanie's illness."

The Big Hush sponsored silence marks the end of Cancertalk Week, organised by Macmillan Cancer Support with the hope of encouraging children to talk and learn more about the illness.

Mr Devlin said: "They all know why they are doing it - teachers have spoken to the children about it and they are very aware of cancer. I have absolute faith in Our Lady of Victories that they will rise to the challenge. Children are children, they will try to do their best."

Although pupils could not reply when asked, they nodded their agreement that the task would be completed successfully, without cheating, for a whole two hours.

The school will not know how much has been raised until all sponsorship money has been collected.