Bradley's Young Fundrais-ers group has had another successful money-raising year in support of charity.

The group was formed five years ago by youngsters in the village who wanted to do something for Children in Need.

The following year they supported the RSPCA and the year after that Coeliac UK.

Two years ago the group raised money for Bradford Royal Infirmary's Ward 15 cancer unit and last year it spent its spare time raising money for Cancer Research UK.

The youngsters are aged between eight and 15 and were first gathered together by Maria Stirk when she was ten.

The group currently includes Danielle Mills, 15, Julia Bell, 14, Amy Counter, 12, Emily Stirk, 12, and Sarah Isherwood, eight.

Four-year-old Harry Counter also went along last year to support the group with his drum.

During 2007, the group raised £572, taking the total since it started to £1,838.

This has been achieved through a variety of events, including tabletop sales, cake stalls and carol singing.

They were also invited to sing at the Slater's Arms, at Bradley, on Christmas Eve and serenaded shoppers and staff at the Cancer Research shop, in Skipton, before Christmas.

This year their fundraising will begin at Morrisons' supermarket, in Skipton, where they have been given permission to have a bag-packing day at the checkouts on March 3.