A Father-of two who voiced concern about vehicles speeding through Denholme six months ago has repeated his demand for action.

Chris Maddocks told the Keighley News last July that local people were taking their lives in their hands every time they walked along Halifax Road.

He said the road - which runs through the centre of Denholme and has a 30mph limit - lacks a pavement along some stretches or only has a very narrow footpath. He wrote to Bradford Council in November and earlier this month to find out what remedial work was being done.

But he said he had yet received a reply."My main concern is that the volume of through traffic is increasing largely because of the numbers of heavy goods vehicles," he said.

"We've also had two new housing estates built here and there's a third one planned as well. I'd be happy if people stuck to the speed limit but so many drivers don't.

"There's only one pelican crossing in the village and no school lollipop lady.

"It's a nightmare for parents and childminders trying to walk their children along the road.

"We at least should have these signs that flash up the speed limit every time someone exceeds it. We could have one of these at each end of the village."

Mr Maddocks, 39, added he himself had two young children, and was worried about their safety on the road.

He voiced his thanks to local MP Philip Davies, who has backed calls for traffic calming measures in Denholme.

Simon D'Vali, Bradford Council's principal engineer for traffic and highways said : "There isn't any scope to provide traffic calming in the form of road humps on the A629 as it is a major thoroughfare and used by a high number of vehicles that do not have an alternative route.

"What we are doing is looking at the current speed of vehicles on this stretch and possible traffic management such as vehicle actuated signs. Extra hatching lines and improved signing could also form part of the solution."