Yet more projects have been launched aimed at tackling obesity among young people.

Locally youngsters are currently taking part in hour-long physical activity sessions followed by fun workshops based around healthy eating and increasing exercise.

Great - but just what do those who are now involved in the obesity industry hope such short-term ideas will achieve? Time will tell.

Just like many other ailments in our society, the surface is being scratched, public money is being frittered away and in-depth strategies to achieve successful outcomes seem to be sadly lacking. Obesity is a major problem which is already becoming a huge drain on stretched resources and it obviously has to be tackled.

As the debates and campaigns go on, it should be remembered that those who have chosen to allow themselves or their offspring to grow to giant-sized proportions have only themselves to blame. The potential life-threatening impact on their general health seems to fly over their heads. That is their choice.

But as far as childhood obesity goes, it is a different matter.

The time has come to consider more drastic and radical action.

For the simple fact is that overfeeding children, or allowing them to eat junk food, equates to serious child cruelty.

Some parents or carers need to face up to the truth that they are slowly but surely killing their children. That is a crime and appropriate action should be taken.