AIREDALE NHS Foundation Trust has paid tribute to its volunteers.

The trust, which runs Airedale Hospital, has around 300 unpaid workers who perform a range of tasks – from serving in shops to helping visitors find their way around the Steeton site.

Tribute has been paid to coincide with national Volunteers' Week.

Gurmit Jauhul, volunteering services manager at the trust, said: "Our volunteers are a wonderful and integral part of the hospital.

"They support us in so many ways to enhance the visitor, staff and patient experience.

"It's truly humbling to know they give-up so much of their time to help others and I want to say a massive 'thank you' for the work they do."

And Foluke Ajayi, the trust's chief executive officer, adds her thanks.

"I am very grateful for the hard-working team of volunteers we have and the time and service they dedicate to the trust," she said.

"The volunteers have been a pillar of support to patients, visitors and staff alike and play a key part in helping to build the community in and around Airedale."

Amongst those who volunteer their time is Brenda Atkin, from Cowling, who helps at the Friends of Airedale shop in the outpatients department.

She has been a volunteer for five years.

"My mum had volunteered at Airedale for 15 years and I wanted to follow in her footsteps," says Brenda.

"I love serving drinks and food in the shop because I get to meet people."

Another volunteer is Jenny Crompton, from Wilsden, a guide at the hospital.

She said: "It’s an early start – I get into the hospital at 7.20am to prepare for the day and greet incoming patients.

"I keep up the supply of bus timetables and direct people to where they need to go.

"I chose to be a volunteer because I wanted to do something useful with my spare time and I like to help people."

Airedale Hospital and Community Charity is also supported by volunteers, who fundraise through a range of activities.

The charity's manager, Jodie Hearnshaw, says: "I’d like to say a huge 'thank you' to our fabulous fundraisers – we’re really grateful for all the support we get from our community.

"Community fundraising has hugely picked-up this year, with lots of events taking place again."

To fundraise or volunteer time to help Airedale Hospital and Community Charity, call 01535 294870 or email