A 25-year-old Keighley man was caught drink-driving after cutting up a police car on a roundabout, a court heard.

Darren Wayne Dunne's Seat Leon sped across the turning to Skipton's Snaygill Industrial Estate as a police patrol attempted to turn right in the early hours of January 19.

When officers caught up with Dunne, he was breathalysed and gave a reading of 69 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, against the legal limit of 35mg.

Dunne was also said to be aggressive and unco-operative.

But Dunne told Skipton Magistrates on Friday: "I wasn't aggressive until I got to the police station. I co-operated fully until then."

The accused, of Whin Knoll Avenue, admitted driving over the prescribed limit.

He was banned from driving for 16 months, fined £100 and ordered to pay costs of £43 and a £15 victims' surcharge.