Two members of the public intervened to prevent a smash-and-grab raid at a Keighley jewellers.

Mother-of-three Lesley Steadman ran out of her office to try to stop a man throwing a concrete block at the window of Herbert and Brown jewellers, in Low Street.

And after the man ran off, someone who had witnessed the incident then chased the suspect in his car.

Ms Steadman, who works at Martin & Co estate agents next door, said: "I saw him sitting across the road for a while, then the next thing he had a concrete block in his hand and he was throwing it as hard as he could at the window.

"You could tell he was trying to smash the glass to get to the jewellery."

Ms Steadman then dashed out of her office to stop the man and try to persuade him to put the block down.

She said: "People in the office said what are you doing?' but I just went out and asked him what he was doing and I told him he should stop, but he just said why should I?' "Then he put the brick down. I took the brick, at which point he started throwing himself at the window.

"Then all of a sudden he just ran off and then the police came."

Ms Steadman, who used to run her own security company, described the man as in his early 20s, and added: "He looked off his face."

The manager at Herbert and Brown jewellers, Jane Coates, said that she was startled by a loud bang at the window.

She said: "I went to raise the alarm straight away, because there is a direct link between us and the police station.

"My concern was to get the staff and customers safe first. One man was being served at the time. "We stepped away from the window and I told the staff not to look at him.

"The glass is damaged but the reason he couldn't get through it is because it is special safety glass."

Acting Inspector Darren Minton, from Keighley neighbourhood policing team, confirmed that they were searching for a white male in connection with criminal damage.

He said a member of public who chased the suspect in his car eventually lost him at Coney Lane. Anyone with information should phone the police on 0845 60 60 606.