Work began this week on flattening the unpopular grass mound on Church Green, in Keighley.

Much of neighbouring Church Street will be cobbled as part of the same regeneration project.

Archaeologists will explore underneath the green before it is re-seeded with grass next month. Church Street traders have welcomed the work because their shops will become visible from the town centre.

The improvements form the first phase of the long-awaited transformation of the Church Green area.

The entire £2 million-plus project will turn the area into a family-friendly space for public events. The adjacent Market Car Park will be refurbished and will double as a site for outdoor markets. Work on the first phase, costing £140,000, is expected to be complete by the end of next month.

Funding comes from Bradford Council, Keighley Town Council and Keighley Town Centre Association.

Stone setts will be laid in Church Street, between Keighley Shared Church and the North Street junction.

The street will be narrowed but will remain open to traffic, which will travel in the direction of North Street.