Services at a hair salon and Internet café in Bracken Bank, Keighley, could be expanded.

College bosses hope to attract long-term funding and increase the number of customers.

They will ask residents what other activities could be housed in the former shops in Central Drive.

The latest funding, a £25,000 Government grant, will be spent on research and planning.

The shop units were reopened last spring as part of a regeneration project for the Bracken Bank estate.

In the next few months they were visited by Government ministers John Prescott and Peter Hain.

In recent months, residents have complained that the units are closed most of the time.

Park Lane College Keighley, which is running the project, has announced its plans for the future.

Spokeswoman Kathy Sharpe said the salon had had some success with clients.

The computer facility had been used for training, including financial literacy, as part of a Financial Services Skills Academy project for unemployed learners.

Ms Sharpe said residents had called for beauty therapy at the salon, discounted services and extended opening hours. She said that since last summer the college had worked hard to try to address the requests.

The college last month won £25,000 from the Learning and Skills Council's Local Intervention Fund.

Some of the cash will pay for a new Bracken Bank co-ordinator, Karen Johnson, to work with local people and agencies.

"She will do a full needs analysis to identify other community requirements which could be fulfilled by the project," said Ms Sharpe.

"She will initiate consultation to produce a report of findings.

"The college will also draw up a sustainability plan and actively seek long-term funding."

Ms Sharpe said the college hoped such research and investment would increase demand for the project and attract further funding.