A MAN who was wanted by police for alleged sex offences has been remanded back into custody to be tried on May 8 next year.

Arif Choudhury, 26, of Victoria Avenue, Keighley, appeared before Bradford Crown Court via a video link to Leeds Prison.

He is accused of offences dating back ten years and had been wanted by police since 2013.

Peter Hampton, for the Crown, said an indictment had not yet been drawn up so the charges weren't put to Choudhury.

Mr Hampton told the court that the defendant was not extradited; he came back to the UK "under his own steam". But extradition was being sought and he was arrested on a warrant.

Ismael Uddin, defence lawyer, said a two-week slot for the trial was "a good estimate". Judge Andrew Hatton said because the trial date at Bradford was some way off, he would enquire to see if another court centre could take the case sooner.

He set a date of September 16 for so-called arraignment to take place, a hearing which will ensure everything is in order for the trial.

Choudhury was told he would have to remain in custody unless and until a bail application succeeded.