A Keighley-based forum has received coveted awards.

Bradford Area Occupational Health and Safety Forum has been presented with two Alan Butler awards for excellence.

The accolades were handed over at a House of Lords ceremony to forum chairman Carol Duerden and development worker Jane Howie.

Making the presentation was Judith Hackett, chairman of the Health and Safety Commission.

The highly commended awards were for producing the best health and safety seminar in the UK and having the best communications strategy of all safety groups. Bradford Area Occupational Health and Safety Forum offers advice, information and support to employers and their employees. Its 600-plus membership is largely made up of small to medium sized enterprises. It stages free seminars and has produced a local occupational health and safety strategy.

The forum has a 16-strong working group drawn from public, private, voluntary and trade union organisations.

Jane said: "It is fantastic for us to win this award. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the working group members for all their support"

Carol said: "It is good to have the hard work of the forum recognised." Also present at the awards was Arthur Howie, from Haworth, who designed the forum's website for free as part of an Open University degree course.