Has your village become a victim of satellite navigation drivers? Have normally quiet country lanes become busier as drivers of all kinds use technology to find their way? If so we we want to know about it.

As readers can see, these drivers found themselves in a tight spot in Cononley. The Polish driver of the HGV got stuck on the narrow bridge while trying to turn from Crosshills Road on to Main Street - a route that he had been directed to use by his sat nav.

Cononley parish councillor Alan Parker saw the scene unfold. He said that the car became stuck under part of the HGV as it tried to get out of the way.

He said: "The car was coming up Main Street and stopped because the wagon was trying to get around the corner.

"The wagon was left-hand drive and probably wouldn't have seen the car."

He added: "I don't think the wagon would have made it whether the car was there or not because there was another vehicle parked on Main Street that had to be moved before it could get around."

Mr Parker added: "Sat navs that have not been updated seem to send traffic through Cononley. But the roads in the village are narrow and not suitable. In the past, villagers have been plagued by HGV drivers, many of them foreign, getting stuck on the narrow roads because they have been directed through the village by sat navs.