Businesses in Silsden are being asked to help get a school growing club off the ground.

Ruth Leech, head teacher of Hothfield Junior School, said around £900 was needed if the dream of a beautiful garden lining the building - filled with flowers and fruit - was to come true.

The club aims to cultivate a passion for growing plants and eventually the garden will be a place where the kitchen staff can source food for school meals.

The plan first came about when Mrs Leech approached the Children Allotment Association in the hope of securing a patch for the school.

But because the waiting list was so long, the school came up with an alternative plan to transform the space around the outside of the building into a thriving garden, with the help of allotment association member John Liddle.

Mrs Leech said: "The children will learn to get involved in and love growing, and it will make the school a more attractive place.

"It will be a grass area in front of the school so it becomes an impressive focal point.

"It contributes generally to the healthy schools agenda and Every Child Matters, understanding where our food originates, and it nurtures an interest in nature."

The school has already received £100 donations from the Ecology Building Society, Raikes Hall Nursing Home, Summerfield Nursing Home and Pennine Playgrounds, in Silsden, and it has received a £150 donation from Silsden Town Council.

Mrs Leech said she was delighted with the generosity shown so far but was hoping for more contributions before the garden could be brought to life.

She said: "We don't want to do it half-heartedly, we want to do it properly, so it will last for the future and for that we will need between £700-£900, because we need to do things like put a tap outside ready for watering the plants.

"We would be very grateful if there are people willing to sponsor us - it will make it a community venture as well."

Anyone wishing to offer sponsorship can do so by phoning 01535 210666.