A 17-year-old girl who killed a man by plunging a knife into his groin has been sent to detention for three years.

The teenager drank a bottle of vodka and smoked cannabis before she struck the fatal blow, Bradford Crown Court heard.

Her victim, Anthony Kelly, 19, of Alice Street, Keighley, died of a severed femoral artery and nerve.

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was charged with murder but her guilty plea to manslaughter was accepted by the prosecution.

Mark McKone, for the Crown, told the court on Friday that the stabbing happened just before midnight, on September 8, last year.

Mr Kelly suffered severe bleeding from a deep cut caused by a knife with a 19cm blade.

Mr McKone said his mother Karen Raine gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation but he was pronounced dead in Airedale Hospital an hour later after suffering a cardiac arrest.

Mr McKone said the girl, who was still drinking alcohol after the knifing, threatened to stab Mr Kelly's brother, Stephan in the head.

Pathologist, Professor Chris-topher Milroy, said Mr Kelly had a 12cm deep stab wound to the top of the inside of his left leg. He also had bruising on his face, neck and chest.

He had been drinking and had traces of cannabis and Diazepan in his body.

The girl's barrister, Michael Harrison QC, said she was distraught at the time and still full of remorse.

She had an awful background and had been the victim of abuse since her early teens.

She had been groomed for sex by another man and introduced to drugs as part of that process.

She had been attending college and received glowing reports.

The teenager had been on the cusp of full-time employment and reaching a turning point in her life.

She had spent five months in custody and needed to try to redeem her life.

The Recorder of Bradford, Judge Stephen Gullick, said: "No sentence that I can pass will bring Anthony Kelly back to life."

The killing was a tragedy for Anthony, his family, friends and the girl herself.

The judge said use of a knife could never be justified as it carried serious risk of severe or fatal injury.

Judge Gullick sent the girl to custody for three years.

He said the time she spent on remand would be deducted from the sentence.