A police "capture car" designed to bait thieves is now operating in Keighley - and has had its first success.

The unmarked vehicle contains valuable items to attract would-be thieves and is parked up in crime hotspot areas.

But the car is fitted with specialist high-tech equipment, including movement-activated camera equipment which will record the thief in action.

There is also a device which sprays the offender with a liquid DNA that can be used later to positively link the person to the vehicle.

In the early hours of February 4, the car was broken into in Worth Way, Keighley. Later that day a 17-year-old youth was arrested and admitted the crime.

"We had good quality pictures of the youth and he was identified from those," said Sgt Andrew Croasdale, from the pro-active police team in Keighley.

"These capture cars are being rolled out across the force and the message to thieves is simple - watch out, the next vehicle you break into could belong to the police'.

The special vehicles have now been distributed to each of West Yorkshire's nine police divisions. They were deployed first in north-east Leeds, where 11 people have been arrested as a result and a number of prosecutions have been brought.

Also, previously unknown stolen goods markets have been identified and the number of thefts of satellite navigation systems has been halved.