This scene shows neither York nor Bath, but Haworth - and it's all indoors in the former Hipperdrome Cinema, in Belle Isle Road!

The Bygone Days Memorabilia Museum was officially opened by actress Kathy Staff (Nora Batty in Last of the Summer Wine) in 1988. Despite its painstaking reconstruction and stocking of a Victorian street and shops, this turned out to be a comparatively short-lived venture, largely because Belle Isle Road lies just off the main Haworth tourist route.

This is the museum's central Cooperative Square, named after its inspirer, the late Leon Cooper, of Gomersal, antiques collector and supplier of props to TV programmes like How We Used To Live. Special Nostalgia Weekends featured veteran and vintage motorcycles.

Sample pages from the 1988 visitors' book reveal addresses from France, Holland, Japan, Australia and the USA, with such comments as "Brilliant", "Magic", "Absolutely lovely", "Surprising amount of stuff", and even "Better than York Castle"!