Community workers now go for a paddle when they want to talk about their work.

They certainly keep their balls in the air as they plan joint projects in Keighley.

They're thrashing out the details over a ping-pong table rather than a conference table. Voluntary workers and professionals have started a Friday afternoon table tennis club.

The Café Extra sessions, at the Temple Row Centre, are more than just an after-hours wind-down. The representatives from several local organisations talk about events, activities and issues as they wait for their turn at the table.

Jeff Bennett, Bradford Council's Keighley area co-ordinator, hoped the new club would become well established.

He said it was bringing together workers who would not normally get a chance to talk with each other.

In one week there were representatives from Bracken Bank Community Association, Keighley Community Organisation, Keighley Town Council, Domestic Violence Services, Volunteer Centre and several council departments.

Mr Bennett said that in the past many good ideas for projects had grown from such informal meetings. He said: "When you're trying to get your breath back after playing you can talk about your products or share ideas. It's for anyone involved in helping to create a brighter future for Keighley, or actively involved in community work."

Café Extra is held every Friday, from 3-5.30pm, at the centre in Temple Row, off Russell Street, in central Keighley.

More details are available from Mr Bennett on 01535 618008.