People are being given the chance to have light shed on archaeological finds.

Artefacts will be identified and recorded during a free drop-in event at Cliffe Castle Museum, in Keighley.

The first of three "finds afternoons" is being staged on Wednesday, from 2-4pm. The others are on April 23 and June 18.

Behind the venture are Amy Cooper, local officer for the British Museum's department of portable antiquities and treasure, and Gavin Edwards, curator of archaeology with Bradford Museums.

The voluntary portable antiquities scheme records archaeological objects found by members of the public.

Every year thousands of items are discovered by people while out doing activities such as metal detecting, walking and gardening.

Artefacts are recorded by a network of 36 liaison officers across the country, who offer identification and recording services as well as advice about conservation and treasure.

Details of the artefacts are entered on to a national database, which can be viewed at

For more information contact Amy on 01924 305359 or e-mail