The stepfather of the man killed in the so-called "happy slap" attack has poured scorn on the comments made by the mother of the teenage girl who filmed the assault.

Keighley newsagent Dave Wiseman said the mum must take responsibility for her daughter's behaviour.

Mr Wiseman, 44, said: "She is saying the system let her down. It didn't let her down when she was claiming benefits did it?

"She is the parent and it was up to her to control her daughter - you can't turn round and blame social services.

"Saying she couldn't get help is a load of rubbish - you have to bring your own kids up."

He and Gavin's 51-year-old mother Christine have been together 20 years. They have also brought up Gavin's two brothers, Lee, 34, and Scott, 23.

He revealed that his stepson had been a regular attender at the Bradford-based Abundant Life Church for some years.

Gavin had been to church with his cousin on September 26 last year, the day he was kicked and punched in North Street, Keighley.

The former stonemason, who had suffered ill health for some years, was found dead three days later in his home in North Street.

Mr Wiseman said the trial had brought back all the previous anguish, especially for his wife.

It had also been difficult to accept that the teenage girl had been walking free around Keighley until the case got to the crown court.

He said he believed she was just as culpable in Gavin's death as the two men who did the beat-ing.

"By filming it she could be said to be encouraging them. She was laughing and joking.

"If she hadn't been holding the camera they might not have kicked him as they did.

"It is bad enough for Gavin to be killed like that but to have it videod is sickening.

"If Christine lives another 40 years, she will never get over losing him and this has brought it all back again," he said.