The average Keighley household will pay an extra £1.89 to the fire and rescue service in the coming year.

The West Yorkshire brigade has announced a 3.9 per cent precept rise.

Councillor Philip Booth, chairman of the fire and rescue authority, said: "It's the lowest precept increase for years and signals our determination to invest wisely, concentrate services on the front-line and still protect the public purse."

He added that the budget would secure plans to consolidate district management so more decisions could be taken at grass roots level.

"Our greatest asset is our staff and the best way we can support their day-to-day work is to give them the resources they need to get on with the job safely and efficiently," he said.

The brigade plans to plough an additional £1 million into areas such as fire safety, operational training and specialist fire officers. And £300,000 will be spent over two years to provide new fire kit.

Chief Fire Officer Phil Toase said West Yorkshire was traditionally a low-spending fire authority but managed to deliver high standards of service because it had a keen sense of priorities.