A hard-hitting campaign has been launched to slash the number of house fires.

Figures show that blazes in the home soar during the winter months.

Now images depicting the tragic impact of house fires are appearing on posters, beer mats and vehicles across the district.

Information obtained by the Keighley News shows that between December 2006 and February last year, there were 14 house fires in the area covered by Keighley Fire Station. In the period between June and August last year, there were just eight.

Peak times for house fires are between 5-7pm and after pubs close, between 11pm-2am.

The campaign - labelled "Recipe for Disaster" - will focus on fires caused by smoking materials, alcohol and cooking.

Each poster details the different ingredients of a disaster, offers advice and urges the public to book a free home fire safety check.

Some of the photos featured were taken at real incidents by fire investigators and others are the result of computer technology and make-up.

Craig McIntosh, director of fire safety and community relations with West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, said: "We have found there is a real increase in the number of fires in the home during the winter months, when people are more likely to be indoors cooking and trying to stay warm. The campaign is hard-hitting and uses graphic images because we want it to strike a chord and ultimately reduce the number of fire deaths and injuries. Our aim is to get as much fire safety advice out there as possible and to encourage householders to book a free home fire safety check, which usually involves the fitting of free smoke alarms."

In West Yorkshire there were 509 house fires, including five fatalities, between December 2006 and February last year. Between June and August there were 387 fires and one death. To book a free home fire safety check phone 0800 587 4536 or log on to westyorksfire.gov.uk.