An MP will be swapping the cut and thrust of Westminster for a voluntary job serving meals to homeless people and helping alcoholics overcome drink problems.

Cullingworth and Denholme MP Philip Davies will spend three days with Leeds-based homeless charity St George's Crypt as part of the Inner City Challenge initiative organised by think tank Centre for Social Justice.

He will work alongside the homeless, addicts and vulnerable people from broken communities as part of the project's fight against poverty.

A St George's Crypt spokesman said the MP would be treated as any other volunteer, serving meals to those who used the charity and building bird boxes with people trying to overcome alcohol problems.

Mr Davies said: "I'm privileged that the team there is allowing me to have the opportunity to see what goes on in what is obviously an extremely important charity.

"I'm keen to find out how the charity operates and educate others about charities such as St George's in Leeds."