The council tax for the Bradford District is to go up by 2.2percent this year.

A joint statment has been issued by by Bradford Council Conservative Group Leader Cllr Kris Hopkins, Liberal Democrat Group Leader Cllr Jeanette Sunderland and Green Party Group Leader Cllr Martin Love following their agreement on a joint budget to run the local authority for the next three years, including a Council Tax increase of just 2.2per cent in the next financial year: The statement says Labour failed to table budget proposals and, as a result, has taken no part in these talks.

"Bradford is a balanced Council and it is a matter of concern that the Labour Group seems to think it is above the mature democratic process and instead wishes to sit on the sidelines and snipe while others do the hard work of creating a sustainable budget for the next three years.

"Labour has let down their supporters and the people of Bradford by not taking part in these discussions that will affect the future of all of us in the district.