This was the scene on February 14, 1914, when Mr T H Haggas laid a memorial stone for a new Albert Street Baptist Sunday School.

He was the great-grandson of John Town, founder of Keighley's original Baptist chapel.

Another stone was laid by Mrs Allan Bradley, the then present Sunday School's oldest helper.

The new school was to include a primary department, a vestry and 14 classrooms, eight of which were to be partitioned off as a central hall to accommodate 500. A kitchen, lavatories and a Christian Endeavour room, would be below street level.

Albert Street Baptists had been raising the necessary funds since 1906, when £75 collected at the Sunday School anniversary had been set aside. By 1914 they had accumulated £1,948.2s.11d and thanks to the meticulous reporting standards of the day we know where it came from.

Appeal subscriptions had brought in £745.8s.5d donations, £131.13s.11d concerts and social gatherings £477.16s.7d and anniversary collections £287.7s.8d.

The remainder came from collections and profit on tea served at the stone-laying ceremony, plus £100 from Mr Haggas and £25 from Mrs Bradley.

The photograph from the collection of the late Clarence Rushworth has been supplied by Kathleen Rushworth, formerly of Grafton Road, Keighley.