Four-year-old Harvey Wilde has never been more excited for tomorrow to come - because he can finally celebrate his first birthday.

Little Harvey, who lives in Steeton, was born on a leap year four years ago and has never been able to celebrate his birthday on the correct day until now.

Dressed handsomely in a red silk waistcoat for his party at Bridge House Nursery, in Steeton, Harvey, who doesn't quite understand what all the fuss is about, said he was looking forward to the big day.

He said, looking puzzled at his mother: "I think I am going to be four. I am going to do some painting and play games like pass the parcel.

"I am looking forward to getting my presents, I have asked for a Star Wars light-sabre and I am having a Spiderman cake."

His mother, Stacey Wilde, said that although she had explained to her son that he was born on February 29, which only occurs every four years, Harvey hadn't quite got his head around it yet.

She said: "He keeps saying to me why do people keep saying I am one, when I am four?' "He says that people keep saying it's his special birthday, which he doesn't understand because I tell him his birthday is special every year."

The Wilde family usually celebrate Harvey's birthday on March 1, but this year if he is lucky, firemen from Keighley Fire Station will pay the fire engine-mad tot a visit.

He will also visit Fun Planet in Cross Hills with his friends and family, which include his father Graham Wilde and siblings Mary, ten, Alister, seven, and Holly who is two.

Although Hannah Thompson was born in 1992, she celebrates only her fourth birthday tomorrow.

Hannah, a year 11 student at South Craven School, Cross Hills, was also born on February 29.

This means that technically, Hannah, who lives in Cowling, has only had four actual birthdays.