Jealousy prompted a 26-year-old man to send threatening text messages to his ex-partner.

In one, Andrew Philpotts told her: "I'm coming round to open you up, you grass".

It was one of 26 messages which had been sent by him, Bingley Magistrates were told on Tuesday.

Philpotts, of Low Lane, Silsden, pleaded guilty to threats causing fear of violence between January 7 and February 17. The bench adjourned the hearing until March 18 for a pre-sentence report.

They heard that the relationship came to an end in mid January and since then Philpotts had pestered and harassed his ex-girlfriend.

She reported the matter to police who issued him with a harassment warning but she received two other text messages which were "vicious and threatening".

Erica Topham, for Philpotts, said following the warning he had sent her a text apologising and saying he should not have done it.

But later he was badly beaten up by two brothers and he suffered a gash to the back of his head, a swollen nose and cuts to his mouth.

On returning home and having a drink he did the "daft" thing of texting her while feeling anger and jealousy over the fact the woman was going out with his best friend.