A Keighley school has vowed to use its array of security cameras to prosecute hooligans who have caused thousands of pounds in damage.

Ingrow Primary School has endured years of vandalism, in which dozens of its windows have been smashed, lead roofing stolen and play equipment trashed.

School administrator, Lynne Balmer, showed the Keighley News CCTV footage which captured one youth urinating in a corner of the school yard.

Other pictures shows yobs trying to wreck a car barrier at the school's main entrance.

She said people living in neighbouring properties had repeatedly complained about youths congregating in the school grounds.

However, she said it was not fair for residents to expect staff to stand guard over the premises 24 hours a day. "We do as much as we possibly can to make this a nice area for the community," she said.

"We have talked about having a fence put in but we don't really want that. It would be horrendous - we'd look like a prison."

Mrs Balmer said the theft of lead from the roof had caused leaks in the building, and added the destruction of play equipment had deprived young pupils of their entertainment. Over the past three years the school has spent about £10,000 on installing 16 security cameras.

She said these were used to identify four youths who broke into the school last November and vandalised sports equipment. Three of these teenagers have since been prosecuted - two of them were charged with burglary offences and one was charged with theft.

"The cameras are making a big difference," said Mrs Balmer.

"They've definitely cut down on the number of incidents. We want parents and residents to know that we're determined to put a stop to these problems and will do all we can to have these people prosecuted."