Outstanding Keighley Sea Cadets have been rewarded for their achievements during the past year.

The unit staged its annual awards evening at its Waddington Street base.

The event was well attended by parents, friends and supporters.

Guests included Keighley town mayor and mayoress councillors Brian and Maureen Hudson and Keighley News editor Malcolm Hoddy.

Awards were presented by Len Wilson, a retired headmaster and the husband of the unit's secretary, Margaret Wilson.

Dr John Briggs, chairman and president of the corps, said: "The evening went very well and we had a good turn out."

The following awards were received by cadets: RNA Shield for Endeavour, Able Cadet T Deblick; Management Committee Shield for Seamanship, Cadet B McGuinness; Captain Barry Jones Shield for Boating, Able Cadet D Sheldon; Chairman's Trophy for Best Able Cadet and Keighley Lions Bursary to TS Royalist, N Salisbury; Keighley SCC Trophy for Best Junior Cadet, K Johns; Shield for Best New Cadet, M Oxley; Shield for Best Cadet, B Stockdale; Wardle Shield for Best Ordinary Cadet, J Bradley; Hartington Trophy for Best Leading Cadet, S Eastbury; President's Shield for Cadet of the Year and John Mahomet Trophy for Most Courses, Able Cadet R Laughlin; Divisional Trophy, Vanguard.