These are the local gentlemen of the committee which, in July 1919, organised Keighley's celebrations to mark the signing of the peace treaty after the Great War.

From left to right on the back row they are T W Wilson, A Butterfield, J R Wilson, J Hugill, N S Brearley, J Jackson, H Preston and F Ellis.

Middle row: P Speak, J Hudson, C Kitchen, I Stockdale, E Spencer, H Connolly (mace bearer), Councillor W H Murgatroyd, J Jowett, H Binns, Mr Baldwin, A Normington, Councillor J G Ambler and J Petty.

Front row: L Britton, Alderman H C Longsdon, Councillor J Mullen, E Clayton, J T Pollard, Councillor F N Binns (the Mayor), S Coates, F W Lodge, A Lister, Councillor A Gill and Councillor H Sellers.

Keighley's celebrations included games and sports, a procession of 31 tableaux, the ascent of balloons and display of rockets and "coloured lights" in the parks, and a discharge of Dover flares at Robin Hood Stone, Black Hill, and the top of Glen Lee.

Schoolchildren were given medals showing a young warrior presenting his sword to the Angel of Peace.

The photograph was supplied by Mr J H Webber, of Glenhurst Avenue, Keighley.