Staff and management at Greenhead High School are feeling miffed at what they see as an unfair Ofsted inspectors report.

The school has been given a year to improve after it achieved the bottom grading in three categories and satisfactory in most others.

It comes as the school is still celebrating winning recognition for boosting the numbers of pupils who gain top GCSE grades.

The Ofsted report does not make for pleasant reading, especially the comments about the teaching.

Head teacher Trish McCarthy is robustly defending the school and tells of her disappointment, and also that of the authority, saying that the picture painted is not that of the real school. She adds that her belief is that the inspectors failed to understand the complexities of the school in dealing with the pupils who they receive. The Ofsted inspectors, of course, reported on what they saw and handed out the notice-to-improve.

Ms McCarthy and her team are confident that they will satisfy Ofsted demands by Autumn The wider question which needs addressing is what is being done to help the school tackle the unique issues it faces? For example, it has problems with children going back to Pakistan; it has a full range of pupils from EU countries.Why has it been put in this position?

These are questions which need answers and actions - by others and not just the teaching staff - to make sure the school is judged on a level playing field.