residents in Oakworth are fighting plans to build 12 one-bedroom flats on the site of a former council depot.

Oldfield-based firm Spellman Developments has applied to build the pair of two-storey accommodation blocks on land known locally as the old chipping yard, next to Griffe Gardens and Windsor Road.

Andrea Watts, 39, who has spoken out on behalf of about a dozen households in Griffe Gardens and Griffe View, said the proposals amounted to over development.

She said she and her neighbours were mainly concerned about the plans to create a new access to the site via Griffe Gardens.

"We don't want that, full stop," she said. "There are problems with parking as it is and people living here can't even park outside their own homes.

"This development would have one parking space for each flat but what about visitors' cars?"

She said they would also lose a space where the children played on grass verge."

She said she understood the land was originally sold with planning permission for no more than five homes. She said the council had only sent two notification letters to people living in Griffe View and Griffe Gardens, leaving most households in the dark about the proposed flats.

Mrs Watts, who has two young children, said attempts by her neighbours to arrange a site meeting with the developer had so far come to nothing.

"We just feel like no one's listening to us," she said. "We want to resolve this amicably but so far we've got nowhere."

The application statement argues the proposed flats would make efficient use of the site.

It adds there is a "known demand" for more rented accommodation.

The applicant's agent, John Wharton, of JW Architect Designers, said he was surprised and disappointed by the objections to the plans.

He said the former depot was currently "not a pretty sight" so would be enhanced, not harmed, by the apartments.

A spokesman for Bradford Council's planning department, said: "With any planning application we notify everyone whose property adjoins the site.

"In this case we wrote to 15 households - only two of which were on Griffe View and Griffe Gardens."