A project to stop children risking their lives by playing on or near railway lines enlightened 20 Keighley youngsters on Saturday.

The group of nine-to-11-year-olds from Worth Valley Primary School was taken on a steam train from Ingrow Railway Station to Oxenhope and back.

The pupils got a glimpse of what the view is like from the driver's footplate and were treated to a meal in a buffet car in Oxenhope.

They were given talks about rail safety and also had a chance to ask questions.

The children were brought to the Worth Valley line as part of a scheme funded with cash secured by Streets Ahead.

The day was co-ordinated by PCs Lee Holmes and Glyn Butterworth, youth services officers from the neighbourhood policing team support unit. They were helped by volunteers from the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway.

Fire safety and emergency planning officer, Michael Tarran, said: "The children were absolutely great - they asked some very sensible questions."