A disqualified driver has been ordered to carry out 150 hours' unpaid work by Skipton Magistrates.

Christopher John Ibbitson, 27, of Clayton Hall Road, Cross Hills, pleaded guilty on Friday to driving while disqualified and without insurance on February 11.

Prosecuting, Alison Whiteley said Ibbitson took the car - which he had sold to his girlfriend - after they had had an argument.

The vehicle had been parked outside her house in Skipton and he had set off to go to his parents' house in Cross Hills, via Carleton, but had a minor accident on the way.

Later that same day the car was seen in Herriot's car park, in Skipton.

The bench heard that the defendant had been disqualified on three previous occasions, the last one on December 21 for drink-driving.

It was his second such offence in ten years and was banned from driving for three years. He was also convicted of dangerous driving in 2003 and was banned for 12 months.

John Mewies, in mitigation, said his client and his girlfriend had fallen out over the weekend.

"Mr Ibbitson could see no future in the relationship and left his partner's home to head for his parents in Cross Hills," he said.

"He wanted to put some distance between his girlfriend and him and misguidedly took the car. For obvious reasons he took the back way but collided with a dry-stone wall."

Mr Mewies added that Ibbitson had voluntarily gone to the police station and was charged with the offences.

He added that although Ibbitson and his girlfriend were back together, he had lost his job with a Skipton hire firm and was now out of work.

Magistrates banned Ibbitson from driving for a further 12 months for driving while disqualified and gave him a 12-month community order.

For driving with no insurance he was fined £200 and had his licence endorsed. He was also ordered to pay costs of £45 and a victim surcharge of £15.