Parkwood residents have protested against potential damage to the nearby wood by a proposed bypass.

They expressed opposition to the proposed Keighley eastern relief road at a meeting held by a local politician.

The residents are now collecting signatures for a petition demanding the preservation of Park Wood.

The petition also calls for a new "traffic loop" to solve Keighley's congestion problems, as an alternative to the bypass.

The loop road proposal was put forward by Roger Beaumont, chairman of Keighley Liberal Democrats.

The meeting had been called by Keighley town councillor and Liberal Democrat member Judith Brooksbank.

She said the relief road would cause destruction to Park Wood, which she described as one of Keighley's greatest assets.

The meeting heard that many individuals and groups use the wood for recreation and there were several rights of way.

Residents also called for measures to stop Parkwood Street being used as a rat-run by drivers.

Cllr Brooksbank agreed the heavy volume of traffic was unacceptable and suggested access-only restrictions and more traffic calming.