High-tech hobbies and traditional crafts made for a wide-ranging mix at Keighley Brownies' annual activity day.

The Interest Day offered web design and music editing alongside the usual cooking, artist and hostess sessions.

There was also Tai Chi, football, dance, rugby, water safety, first aid and languages like Polish and Italian.

The Interest Day was held for the first time at Greenhead School, in Keighley, where teachers and Brownie leaders led 18 sessions.

The event attracted 199 girls - around two thirds of Keighley's Brownies - who did four activities each. Carol Vaughan, the Brownies' divisional commissioner, said the event was thoroughly enjoyed by all. She said that alongside the new subjects, traditional activities like cooking remained extremely popular.

Carol paid tribute to Greenhead staff: "They were wonderful - they did it free of charge because they wanted to be there. Students from Greenhead doing their junior sports leadership training also worked with the girls."