A stalwart member of the Labour Party, Alice Watcham, has died aged 92.

Mrs Watcham, who lived in Sutton all her life, was presented with a long service certificate last year, signed by the then Prime Minister Tony Blair.

She had been a party member for more than 75 years and one of her proudest moments was when former Keighley MP, the late Bob Cryer, gave her and her sister, Marjorie, a tour around the Houses of Parliament.

Mrs Watcham, who spent many years working as a twister at the village's Bairstow's Mill, was involved in almost every aspect of village life.

She was a member of Sutton Amateurs for more than 60 years and first went on stage at the age of 12, playing a page in the comic opera Merrie England.

She starred in numerous shows and was presented with a badge and gold bar by the National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA).

She was also a member of Sutton Parish Council for many years and sat on the Sutton Park committee. She helped to instigate Sutton Gala in the mid 1960s.

With her mother, Minnie, and daughter, Susan, she organised raffles, bingo sessions and sales of work to raise money to purchase land for a rest centre - now located in North Street.

Mrs Watcham and her husband, John, had just celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary.

A funeral service was held at St Thomas's Church, Sutton, and Mrs Watcham is survived by her husband, daughter Susan, grandson Daryl and sister Marjorie.