Keighley community groups will this month air their views on proposals to build thousands of extra houses across Bradford district.

Many groups have been invited to a consultation event on March 19 to discuss future housing and development needs. Bradford Council wants to hear the views of groups and residents before deciding where houses, shops and factories should be built.

The Government recently said Bradford needed an extra 50,000 homes over the next 20 years to meet the needs of the growing population.

The council will set out the location of land for such development in a "core strategy" coming out of the Local Development Framework.

The March 19 forum will give local groups and other interested parties detailed information about issues relating to the Keighley area. Anyone not invited to the event can send their comments before March 20 to Bradford Local Development Framework, FREEPOST NEA 11445, PO Box 1068, Bradford BD1 1BR.

Alternatively, they can be e-mailed to, marked "core strategy further issues and options consultation".

Information on the Local Development Framework is available on the council's website at

The consultation documents are available in the council's planning office at Keighley Town Hall, and Keighley Library.