A top Government official responsible for community cohesion has visited the Keighley Women and Children's Centre.

Susan Scholefield, director general for cohesion and resilience for the Department for Communities and Local Government, visited the centre in Marlborough Street along with other focal points of community cohesion.

She travelled with an entourage of council officials and political leaders to the women's centre and looked at the range of services and projects it offers.

The centre challenges stereotypes society has about women and children, in particular those coming from a south Asian background.

Leader of Bradford Council Kris Hopkins said: "Bradford district is diverse with people from many backgrounds, ethnicities and faiths and our diversity is also one of our greatest strengths.

"Everyone living here benefits from a prosperous and peaceful district. Local people share common values about the importance of strong families, improving education and skills, regenerating the district and making our city and town centres safe and clean.

"We are making sure that everyone has the best possible services on offer to them and that communities work together to better understand each other."

During the day the council shared information on best practice in promoting understanding and making links between different communities in the city and district.