A disused industrial building in Silsden which sheltered trouble-making youths has been demolished.

Since Tunnicliffe's Yard, near Sykes Lane, had been vacated, boozed-up teenagers had been accused of gathering there to vandalise property and abuse residents. But neighbours are rejoicing now the building has been pulled down.

Novo Homes, which owns the site, demolished it following pressure from police.

Director Andy Phillip said: "We have done the work to make it safer for the youths so they don't damage themselves and so they don't cause a nuisance down there. The police liaison officer contacted me to try and do something about it and the demolition was completed last week."

Sgt Darren Minton, of Keighley neighbourhood policing team, said it had asked the company to make the site safer now children were using it.

He said: "The kids have been going down there and bringing drink and the company had a duty to make the site safe."

Councillor Liz Trainor, of Silsden Town Council, said: "It is a gathering place for the youths. I think the residents are very pleased it has been demolished - the people I have spoken to round and about are really pleased. People around here are very happy about it being cleared away and I now have a nice view I didn't even know I had."

The view will not be there for long, as developer Taylor-Wimpey plans to build 120 new homes on the Sykes Lane plot, which will include the former Tunnicliffe Yard area.