A 15-year-old boy dedicated to Silsden community life has received a prestigious town award.

George Barclay, former chairman of the Silsden Youth Council, has received the Edwin Bottomley award for community involvement.

The award was created by Silsden Town Council in memory of the Yorkshire dialect poet and former councillor Edwin Bottomley and is given to any youth who stands out as putting a lot into the town.

Silsden town mayor Liz Trainor said that George, of Hainsworth Road, was a very active member of the community.

She said: "George was nominated by the youth council and then the town council seconded it.

"He gives a lot of his time up and goes to Swimstart, in Silsden, where he is a lifeguard for the young ones who are learning to swim. He is also very active in the community in terms of football and golf."

Councillor Pat Bottomley said George had been instrumental in setting up the youth council in Silsden. George said: "It was a surprise to win the award and it was presented to me at the launch of the kiddies play area in Silsden, which was the youth council's latest project."