This month sees the start of the golden anniversary celebrations of VSO, the international development charity group which helps poor communities in all corners of the world. Here we look at what the organisation has achieved and its hopes for the future.

More people than ever are being challenged by VSO to volunteer and discover what their skills could do to help tackle global poverty, in its 50th year.

The call is to add their names to the 32,000 people from all over the world who have been VSO volunteers since 1958. Working in countries from Bangladesh to Zambia, volunteers have changed their lives and made a real difference to thousands of others.

Among the names will be Keighley teenager Waine Pybus, 18, of Spring Close, Thwaites Brow, who is preparing to travel to Indonesia to help disabled children.

Waine, an avid volunteer for organisations in Keighley, has been paired up with a colleague from Indonesia and together they will spend three months working in Stansted, from this month, before travelling to an Indonesian community for a further three months.

Before Waine embarks on his volunteering mission, he has to raise £600 for VSO to cover the cost of his training and he is still looking for sponsors. While he is organising a variety of charity events, he is also asking if anyone would donate to his cause.

They can do so through the website address at

But what has made VSO so special? Judith Brodie, director of VSO UK says: "VSO believes that people can make a real difference to other people and so we focus on linking people together to share skills and experience to learn from each other.

"There is so much to gain from volunteering with VSO, not only the experience of living in a different country, but also an insight into how the world operates.

"Volunteering is a two-way process, so as well as the volunteers going to share their skills they also learn a lot too.

"Coming back to the UK, volunteers can share what they've learnt and so bring their two communities together." Judith added: "Volunteering is only one of the ways to get involved with VSO's work. We also run campaigns and exciting events and fundraising activities, that all contribute to VSO's goal to fight poverty in developing countries. There will be events all over the UK during 2008 to celebrate VSO's anniversary, we want people to come along and see what VSO can do for them."

VSO will be celebrating its anniversary with three events this month in Edinburgh, Bristol and London. For details and to book visit or call 020 8780 7500.

If you were ever a VSO volunteer the charity wants you to get in touch, so you can be invited to the events happening throughout 2008.

E-mail or call 020 8780 7500.