Here are some of the 1,000 workers who gathered in the cricket field adjoining Sutton Mills, on July 8, 1938, to celebrate the centenary of worsted spinners and manufacturers T & M Bairstow Ltd.

Rather unusually, we are facing the crowd watching a ceremony out of view on the left - notice the press photographer in the left foreground.

The oldest employee, James Harrison, with 59 years service, is unveiling a bronze plaque "as a token of esteem and in commemoration of the centenary of the firm", while Mrs Martha A Freeman (56 years' service) presents inscribed silver cigarette boxes to directors Colonel C M Bateman and Colonel N B Chaffers.

Congratulatory speeches were made and responded to and the directors' wives were given bouquets. The following day everybody was treated to a trip to the Empire Exhibition, in Glasgow.

The photograph was supplied by Gillian Greenwood, of Harefield Cottages, Eastburn.