MOst right thinking people will be at a loss to understand the actions taken - or the perceived lack of it - following two violent attacks by teenage yobs in Haworth.

In the first attack, which was featured on the front page of this newspaper, the vicious lout has been given a "final warning".

In the second assault, where a man was beaten, the teenage boy responsible has been given a "formal warning".

That incident was witnessed by retired police officer Jens Hislop, who says when he called 999 the police failed to attend. When he saw the youths later he again called police but they failed to attend. His view is that our nation is riddled with crime - for the only reason that we let off offenders such as this.

The police say a warning should not be considered as a lenient way of dealing with an offender. Warnings are issued to juveniles in the same way that cautions are given to adults. Cautions stay on a persons' record and will have implications should the person commit other offences in the future.

That must be really comforting to the victims and reassure the public.

This is not a case of the public wanting to turn the clock back to the good old Dixon of Dock Green days. It is a case of the public wanting action to reclaim the streets and public places from the yobs. Final warnings do nothing to achieve that aim.

The outcome of these incidents should act as a final warning to those who can exert influence. Elections are just around the corner.