Keighley Sea Cadets are setting sail into a new era.

And the unit, formed more than 60 years ago, is seeking new recruits at the helm.

Several members of the current management committee, which has steered the corps to great achievements over the years, are standing down next month.

Now fresh blood is needed to maintain and build on what has been achieved.

Present chairman and president Dr John Briggs, who is among those retiring, said: "This is a wonderful opportunity for enthusiastic, youthful and caring people to take over the further development of the unit and achieve new goals.

"Many of the existing committee are long serving, they have done 25 years - it is time to make way for new faces. We welcome anybody who cares about the development of youth and feels they can offer something."

He added that recruits were also welcome in other roles, uniformed or civilian.

A meeting is being held at the unit's Waddington Street headquarters on Tuesday, at 7.30pm, to which anyone interested in offering their services is invited.

The unit has around 40 cadets, male and female, aged 11-18. They meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7-9pm.