A memorial bench will be erected to overlook "Dennis Knowles's part of Silsden".

Silsden Civic Society wants to put a bench in the town's memorial gardens honouring their late chairman.

Committee member Maureen McWhinney said that the society - which is open to people of all ages - felt it wanted to do something for the man who meant so much to Silsden.

She said: "For 40 years Dennis handled all the leaflets and subscription and funds, he has given all his secretarial services available to him and at no extra cost to anybody.

"Everybody absolutely loved Dennis and he always had time to stop and talk to everybody and he made everybody feel so welcome - in fact, it was almost like Dennis was Mr Civic'.

"The memorial gardens are overlooking Dennis's bit of Silsden because it oversees the church where he used to go and his estate agents."

Mrs McWhinney said she was very glad that Silsden Town Council had decided to support the memorial bench and pay for half of its cost. "That is very good news indeed," she said.

The society, which has been in operation for more than 30 years, is desperately seeking two people to come forward and fulfil the positions of chairman and vice-chairman for the club to continue running.

If anyone is interested in fulfilling either position, the next meeting will be on April 3, at Silsden Methodist Church, from 7.30pm.

The society is also holding a coffee morning this Saturday at the same venue.