A Keighley ward councillor has said he is "furious" about alleged misinformation given to residents at a neighbourhood forum meeting.

Cllr Khadim Hussain, who represents Keighley Central, said residents at last Thursday's meeting in Utley, were told a planning application for the Greenhead School site had not yet been submitted.

He said the residents, who were concerned about the development's implications for parking and congestion, were told the application would not be put in until about April 4.

However, Cllr Hussain said he has since discovered the application had been submitted that day. A spokesman for Bradford Council's planning department confirmed the reserved matters application was registered with the office on March 6.

Cllr Hussain said the incorrect information gave residents less time to make formal planning representations about issues such as parking.

The development - part of the multi-million-pound Building Schools for the Future scheme - will see Greenhead's existing building revamped and a new special school built nearby. Outline planning permission was granted in 2006 but some details of the major expansion have yet to be approved. Cllr Hussain said the April 4 date had come from a member of staff at Greenhead.

"People are being kept in the dark about this crucial issue and I'm furious," he said.

"We had no satisfactory answers at the meeting last Thursday. Why was this misinformation given? Time is now running out for these residents to have their say."

He said Greenhead Lane and the nearby stretch of Skipton Road already experienced traffic congestion problems. He said these issues needed to be addressed before any new plans were given the go ahead.