Organisers of a Keighley fun day have won a national award for their efforts.

Bradford Council's Skills for Work scooped the "Best Family Learning Week Lifestyle Award" in recognition of the successful event at its Woodville Work Activity Centre.

The free event, last October, aimed to promote the benefits of a healthier lifestyle through fun and practical activities.

People of all ages took part in food-tasting and relaxation sessions, made lavender bags and face packs and visited the sensory gardens.

The award was presented to Skills for Work officers Sharon Mason and Christine Myers, at the QEII Conference Centre, in London last week, at the Families For Our Times conference.

Sharon said: "It's fantastic that we have won this award and this is the second time we've won an award for our Family Learning Week activities.

"We'd like to thank everyone for their hard work and all the people who came along and joined in the fun and supported us last October.

"This event helped highlight the impact good health can have on family life and how keeping fit and eating a balanced diet can reap rewards all round," said Sharon.

She added: "As well as encouraging people to try new activities, the event also highlighted the Skills for Work service, which helps people find jobs, work experience and training opportunities across the district."

Councillor Colin Gill, the council's executive member for services for children, said: "It's wonderful news that our Skills for Work service has won yet another award for its imaginative ideas in promoting serious subjects - congratulations to all involved and keep up the good work."

Skills for Work took part in Family Learning Week in 2006 and won the national award for the best literacy, language and numeracy event.