Silsden teenager Daniel Wilkinson has broken the £10,000-mark with his fundraising efforts, as reported in last week's Keighley News.

With the help of his family, 13-year-old Daniel began raising money for cancer charities after being diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour in March 2004.

The milestone was reached at the family's annual coffee morning in St James's Church Hall, Silsden, earlier this month , when volunteers served more than 100 bacon butties in three hours and raised £1,157.

And she said the family would continue to raise money for Andrea's Gift, a Bradford-based charity which strives to raise awareness and funding for adults and children with brain tumours. The latest money will go towards a brain tumour research centre at St James's Hospital, Leeds.

Mrs Wilkinson said Daniel - a pupil at South Craven School, Cross Hills - was still being monitored by the hospital and was undergoing hormone therapy to counteract the effects of his treatment.