Billed as "the outstanding feature" of Keighley's Coronation festivities in May of 1937 was a procession of 28 tableaux illustrating the part played by the monarchy in Britain's history.

Their titles evoke their era. Utley Junior Council School portrayed Britain in India. An estimated 30,000 watched them pass.

This is one of two tableaux put on by the School of Arts and Crafts. Officially these were The Revival of Learning and The Crown as Leader of the Social Life of the Nation, so the more graphic Great Exhibition shown on the placard on the left could presumably be either.

Mrs M Whitaker, of Shaw Lane, Oxenhope, who has supplied the photograph, says these were pupils in the Junior Art Department and names them, from left, as John Brown, Enid Brown, Mary Hornby, Edith Rowlett, Joan Shaw, Edna Whip (Queen Victoria), Jack Varley, Dick Baxter, Irvin Greenwood, Billy Wright and Derek Bottomley.