When a five-year-old border collie called Belle died while giving birth to four puppies, it seemed her offspring might struggle to survive.

But a three-and-a-half-year-old female rottweiler has successfully adopted all four of them.

The dog, called Kia, had recently given birth to 13 of her own puppies.

Only 11 are still alive, as one was stillborn and another died shortly after birth.

Kia's owner, Cowling resident Joanne Wilson, said she was an extremely friendly, good-tempered dog, who was coping well with her mixed breed litter.

She added the rottweiler breed's reputation for being unpredictable and dangerous was inaccurate and unfair.

Cowling farmer Lisa Wilkinson, 37, said Belle died last Friday after suffering complications during labour.

She said she spent the day desperately appealing for anyone who might be able to rear the two male and two female puppies.

However, Joanne Town-Jones, landlady of Cowling's Bay Horse pub, was able to put her in touch with Joanne that very same day.

The sheepdog puppies were introduced to their prospective new mother that evening and Kia immediately took to them, allowing them to feed from her.

Joanne, 28, who has two young children, and also owns a six-year-old Lakeland terrier called Tam, said: "Kia's been absolutely brilliant with the new puppies. She's had no bother with them at all."

"Normally you only hear about rottweilers when they've attacked someone. But then some people buy rottweilers because they want to look hard.

"Many of these young lads have no idea how to look after them. Folk that can't manage them should just get themselves a little terrier instead. It's not about the dog - it's all about the kind of people who own them.

"If you keep a rottweiler chained up all the time or you buy one and use it as a fighting dog of course it'll be dangerous.

"My aunt and uncle breed rottweilers and my mum has had a few and they've never had a single problem."

She said she would not be able to keep all the dogs, so anyone interested in buying any of the rottweiler puppies can contact her on 07919 682994.